Ram Gopal Varma movie on Nityananda Scandal

The man behind Suspense thriller movies 'Ram Gopal Varma' pulled his socks to do a movie on recent Sex scandal (Nityananda with Ranjitha) in south india.

Director-producer Ram Gopal Varma, whose films are mostly inspired by real life incidents, has started writing the script of his next film "God and Sex", based on Swami Nityananda's alleged sex scandal, which will take a hard look at the happenings in an ashram."My whole idea is to take a hard look at what happens behind the close doors of an ashram. That doesn't necessarily mean sexual activities. It's about power politics; it's about (an) industry running behind (it)," Varma told in an interview.

Reportedly, Swami Nityanand's alleged romp in the bed with South actresses Ranjitha and Yuvarani have "inspired" RGV to kickstart his next opus, aptly titled 'God and Sex', based on the life of the sex centric godman.

"My film will explore all that goes on in the inside of ashrams," reveals RGV in a tabloid chat. "I am quite intrigued by all the scandals that these so called godmen are involved in. It is based on a recent sex scandal."

Query him on the tentative choice of lead actor… and Ramu states that "it's a difficult question, let me finish the script first. And then I will consider the casting."

Godmen, meawhile, are ducking for cover…

Who would be the star cast in this movie? please give comments here..........

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